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Elev Fallskärmshoppare
  • What is required to be allowed to take a parachute course?
    In Sweden, you must be over 15 years old and in good health to skydive, certified by a medical certificate. You can download the medical examination form from here. For safety reasons, we have a weight limit of 105 kg for the equipment we have today. If you have medical questions regarding skydiving, feel free to contact the Swedish Parachute Association's chief medical officer at or reach out to the student group.
  • Where can I do the medical examination?
    The medical examination can be conducted, for example, at the Flight and Diving Medical Center at Sabbatsberg in Stockholm or at a healthcare center with a general practitioner.
  • What is checked at the medical examination?
    Good vision, equivalent to the requirements for a driver's license, is necessary for skydiving. Bring the contact lenses and glasses you have to the examination. From the age of 40, an EKG examination is required. It is advisable to contact Dyk och Flyg Medicinska at Sabbatsberg in Stockholm, which offers reasonable prices, or visit your nearest healthcare center. Some medications (such as insulin, Warfarin, all types of psychiatric medications, including antidepressants) are prohibited in skydiving, and certain conditions (such as epilepsy) always pose obstacles to skydiving. No to substance abuse! The rules are strict here. If you have a history of drug use or alcohol abuse, you must provide a certificate from a treatment assistant, doctor, or social worker stating that you have been drug-free for the past two years, after which you may receive permission to skydive. Ongoing substance abuse is never accepted.
  • What is required for me to start jumping?
    To be able to jump, you must pass the medical examination and successfully complete the theoretical and practical exams at the end of the course. In the case of a failed exam, an investigation will be conducted to determine the best way to help you pass a retest. In the event of repeated failures, you may fail the entire course. If such a decision is made, a portion of the course fee may be refunded, minus the costs for the parts of the course you have attended. Normal non-passed jumps/re-jumps are not included in the course fee; refer to our website for current prices.
  • What training methodology does Aros use?
    We offer a modern training program in skydiving, known as AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) course. After a total of 10 approved jumps, you will be ready and receive your A-license (solo license). Following that, you will perform four additional jumps, which need approval from a jumpmaster, to be prepared for group jumps. The duration of the course depends on the weather and individual progress, but typically a few weeks are sufficient. The course consists of two parts: theory and actual skydiving. The training includes a complete basic education and study materials. You will learn everything necessary for your initial jumps, covering theoretical knowledge about parachute construction, wind effects, etc., as well as practical exercises such as simulating hanging in a parachute harness and training for emergency situations. You will also learn how to pack your parachute. Right from the beginning, you will be involved in packing it yourself (under instructor guidance) after your jumps.
  • What does the course structure look like?
    The theoretical training takes place in the clubhouse over 4-5 days. Typically, the first jump occurs after the last day of theory. With this, you have initiated your training plan, and you then take the jumps at your own pace (provided there is jumping activity on the field). More precise times and details for the course will be provided by your instructor as the course start approaches, but be prepared for long and intense days. Please note that the course dates only refer to the theory part (except for intensive courses that have a full week of planned jumps). The remaining jumps can be made at any time when the drop zone is open during the season.
  • When and how should I pay the course fee?
    If you have not yet paid the course fee, it should be done via Postgiro 270 20-7, specifying the Course Number, Name, and Personal Identity Number at the latest three weeks before the course starts. This is to ensure that we have time to register you with the Swedish Parachute Association. Without being registered, we have no insurance and cannot jump. If you have not paid the course fee three weeks before the course start, the spot will be given to other applicants, and you will have forfeited your registration fee.
  • Am I insured during the course?
    As a skydiver in the Swedish Parachute Association, you are insured. You can find the insurance certificate at, but you will also receive a copy at the first course.
  • What should I have studied before starting the course?
    The course includes a significant amount of theory, and to be well-prepared, you should have read the book "Hoppa Fallskärm." Answer the questions found at the end of the book on pages 200-204. The course instructors will collect the answers at the beginning of the course, so write them down on paper or email them to your instructors. Before the course starts, you should also have read the SFF Basic Regulations. These can be downloaded from under member services and the SBF Handbook. You only need to read through the section Basic Regulations 402. You will also receive a copy of these at the start of the course.
  • Should I bring equipment to jump with?
    During the training, you will be provided with the necessary equipment for skydiving. What you should bring yourself are shoes and gloves, as well as comfortable and warm clothes since we will be outdoors a lot. When skydiving, it's essential to protect the ankles by wearing good shoes that provide stability. Bring high shoes with a cushioned sole or sports shoes with good cushioning, complemented by ankle protection. There are many different models that work well; just ensure they don't have any hooks or other elements that lines can get caught in. The advantage of having a pair of high, sturdy shoes is that you can continue to use them after the course, reducing the risk of ankle injuries even when you're no longer a student. Two stores with a good selection are and Gloves should keep you warm, be flexible, and provide a good grip. During the warmer part of the summer, baseball gloves work well, and when it's a bit colder, insulated cross-country skiing gloves with a good grip are recommended; even riding gloves often work well. There is also near the club, which has everything you might need for your skydiving career. Usually, Uffe keeps the store open extra hours at some point during the course, so you have the opportunity to browse, try, ask questions, and buy directly in the store. However, you don't need to buy new gear; bring what you have at home to the course and show it to the instructors, and they will help you determine what works best. On the left is shown an example of a sole that does not provide very good protection for the heel. On the right, a shoe with good support and a cushioning sole without sleeves or hooks. A good gym shoe can be supplemented with ankle protection.
  • Can I sleep over at the club?
    During the course, it's possible to sleep over at the club, and we have reserved sleeping spaces for you. We sleep in simple barracks. Bring bed linens and a sleeping bag or blanket. We also have a communal shower and sauna, so don't forget to bring a towel. Overnight stays at the club are free of charge, and as a member, you also have free access to all our facilities.
  • Is food included during the course?
    No. Food will be available for purchase in our small café, but you are also welcome to bring your own food and heat or cook it in our kitchen. In the evening, we usually prepare something together or barbecue, or we may go to Västerås to eat. We do not accept cards in the café, but cash or Swish works fine.
  • What should I bring to the first course session?
    ● Approved medical certificate. ● Parental consent if you are under 18 years old. ● The book "Hoppa Fallskärm" (Jumping Skydiving). ● Answers to the questions from the book. ● Shoes with cushioned soles and ankle support. ● Flexible gloves with a good grip. ● Something to sleep in. ● Something to eat.
  • How long will it take before I am fully trained?
    Unfortunately, it's impossible to determine how long the training will take as it depends on the weather, winds, and how quickly you learn. Additionally, there are many new impressions and emotions to absorb. Swedish weather can be a bit unpredictable, and with maximum misfortune, you might be grounded for a week straight. But even with favorable weather, you should expect that you will NOT complete your training during the first days of the course. Typically, you can manage 1-2 jumps per day if the weather is good.
  • Are there additional fees for a new calendar year?
    At the beginning of each new calendar year, every skydiver in Sweden (both students and experienced jumpers) must pay a membership fee to their club and the Swedish Parachute Association, covering licenses and insurance. This fee is called re-registration and is currently 3,400 SEK (2020) for current members. This means that if you haven't completed your training during the current calendar year but wish to continue with your training/jumping in the next calendar year, you must pay the re-registration fee, even if it has been less than a year since your first jump.
  • What happens when I get my license?
    After the course you get your A-certificate and you can jump alone or with your friends in all Swedish clubs and in most countries around the world. The summer is full of fun events that you can take part in, continuing education courses, competitions and other fun.
  • How do I get to the club?
    The address of the club is Johannisberg airport 725 91, Västerås. Feel free to use our Facebook pages "Elever: Fallskärmsklubben AROS" or "Fallskärmsklubben Aros" to carpool or find a ride to the club. For more questions regarding our courses, you can email
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